With Apple already working on the 3rd iteration of its iPad, the device that finally made tablet devices cool and mainstream, the rest of the industry finally caught up in 2011. We’ve had the Samsung Galaxy Tablet, the Blackberry Playbook, the Acer Iconia Tab (pronounced “t -ar-b” apparently) and now Amazon has launched its colour ebook reader – the Kindle Fire.
In a keynote address to rival the polish of Apple, Amazon CEO and 37 Signals Advisor Jeff Bezos proudly walked the stage with the new device in hand. Yes it runs on the Android OS, yes it is light and yes, at first glance the price point is very attractive at £130 – for a colour screen ebook reader.
But that’s what it is. It’s still really just an ebook reader in a very competitive tablet market.
With a small 7” IPS display screen the device is small compared to the larger 10” screens favoured by other manufactures. It may have kept the price point low, and at that size the Kindle Fire certainly slips comfortably into a handbag but for me personally, it’s too small and why would I want two devices?
Yes. Two devices. I already have two mobile phones which is a pain to cart around during a working week so why would I want to cart around an ebook reader AND a tablet device? I can get my digital magazines, music and books all on my tablet with the added benefit of my email, my files, the internet and bespoke apps and games.
And if I were to buy a Kindle, why would I buy the new one for £130? In a move that may or may not affect Fire sales, Amazon has announced it will slash the prices of its black and white ebook readers. Picking up one of those for £89 or less is more attractive than the Fire when I already have the added extra functionality of colour screen, music and movies/TV shows AND MORE on my tablet and mobile phone.
Maybe it’s just me and I don’t get the Kindle. I’d like to get up close to one when they ship in the UK to see what the fuss is about but I really feel that there’s anything really new or innovative to set the Fire apart from everything else out there.
Prove me wrong Amazon – please.