Tuesday 14 April 2009

Doomsday - really?

I’ve been hearing a lot of cynicism, excitement and concern over the direction in which Twitter is taking recently in regards to marketing and advertising. It’s true that in the last 6 months the marketing profession as a whole has really hopped in to the Twitter nest and is exploring all the possible ways they can exploit, monitize and convert to sales. Naturally, the “Originals”, the established Tweeters who relished in this new, geeky, media are now foretelling that the end of Twitter is neigh. But is it?

Twitter is evolving. Just like Facebook which evolved from a bunch of college mates to social groups worldwide, Twitter is evolving from a micro-blogging platform for the geek elite to a mainstream social media platform. Where Facebook app developers paved the way, Twitter is now giving birth to the next generation of social applications and plugins. By its very nature, Twitter is being moulded and shaped by the very community that uses it. And when the Original geek elite move on to the next shiny toy, Twitter will continue its evolution.

Check out Twitter - the Beginning of the End, or the End of the Beginning? For an interesting insight.

Is evolution real that bad?

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